If there were a chemical emergency near your home, would you know what to do? The following information will help you be better prepared. In the event of a chemical emergency that threatens your area, you will be notified of the incident in at least one of the following ways:A telephone call through an emergency telephone notification system. You will receive a recorded message that will give you some instructions on what to do.A law enforcement officer or fire truck using a public address system to warn you of the danger and provide instruction of what to do.A law enforcement officer or firefighter going door- to-door to notify residents of the danger and provide some instructions on what to do.Through the Emergency Alert System (EAS) formerly called the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Depending on the situation, it may be necessary for you to evacuate during a chemical emergency. In many cases however, you may be requested to “shelter in place.”
What Is Sheltering In Place?
Many times during a chemical emergency it is safer to stay inside and protect yourself than it would be to attempt to evacuate. Sheltering in place is simply preparing your home to keep the chemical from getting inside. This can be done easily and quickly if you have the proper materials on hand.
When notified of a chemical emergency and instructed to shelter in place, immediately move inside your home or business. Do not forget your pets! Shut and lock all doors and windows and turn off any outside ventilation systems such as air conditioners, heaters and window fans. Take shelter in a previously selected interior room with as few windows and doors as possible. Use the duct tape, plastic sheeting and towels from your supply kit to cover and seal any leaky areas around doors and windows.
If you encounter any problems, make sure you call 911 and then place a wet cloth over your nose and mouth. Do not attempt to evacuate unless officials tell you to and monitor local media for the latest updates. When the “all clear” signal is given by one of the methods described above, ventilate the structure by opening doors and windows. Stay outside to allow the building to air out.
Sheltering In Place Kit
- Bottled water
- Bath towels
- Duct tape and plastic sheeting
- Flashlight and battery powered radio with extra batteries
- Non-perishable food items
- First aid kit with scissors